Thank You Dr. House

Well look how funny one obnoxious guy could be.... Well days of the slapstick or what we call toilet humor have been all gone. Laughter nowadays comes in different packages, and that’s how House M.D. is actually making an impact in my life. Putting the statement "Laughter is the best medicine (or sarcasm is the next best thing to laughter)

What makes watching Dr.House an enjoyable and very educational habit? Well he’s one of those “Never Judge a book by its cover” guys. First he doesn’t really give a damn about authority, which makes him unethical, but that directive actually makes him free, meaning whatever decisions he make, wont actually give anyone a reason be blamed (well not everyone sees it that way). And then he has this very irritating “I’m always right “ attitude, which more often than not (I’m waiting for that episode where he actually screws everything up, that would be a classic).

Anyways watching all those animosity between the characters and at the same time being able to work with one another is the definite winning formula for the show. While one would think that the patient is on the verge of actually dying to losing the battle, House comes with the most insidious ideas in order to prove his diagnostics are not just out of the box applications of his medical expertise, but rather an indirect intellectual approach on applied medicine!

Well I’m off to unpacking my second season DVD’s so better head home before my sister grabs them form my room! Adios Amigos.