Eternal Raid
A year ago I remember when Cory and me were also having the same situation. Everything is on the rocks; complication is the keyword to every situation that we do. I could almost feel the very same thing here. In fact I do have the power to either smite or keep away.

But I am not any Jerk. I’m not a rabid piranha who goes nibbling on a dreaded wound in order to show supremacy or even disable the competition. I am not a jerk. Id rather feels that I’ve loved someone rather than feeling guilty about me being the reason why two lovers got separated or departed.

All I can say is please take care of Ellie. I wont feel ashamed of telling you that in a short span of time, how much special she was to me. The problem with us guys is complacency. If we feel everything is stable, we tend to lose our edge, and slowly drift back into the shadows. How silly it is when you yourself read something about another guy's thought about your special one, then tell yourself "oops yes I do love her that much". Please recognition should not come from things that are external. It should come from you. All of this feelings and expressions should not come from another man's provocation or message, but deep inside of you.

I may not be a perfect man nor a very blessed individual, but I know when to step up the gas and make her feel as if it's always our time together. You guys still have each other and don’t give me crappy statuses as "its complicated and Domestic Partnership". Grow and mend things not make it sloppy as Jell-O. Geesh! I would exchange everything before to have a chance to make everything right and get her back...but I failed. You guys are lucky you’re still both at arms reach.

Enough drama and disregard all nuisance (other guys, girls) shut them off! To hell with them. It doesn’t matter if it's a friend or someone from the past just slam the door on them! Even me. Focus on one another and mend it without thinking of what others may say. It takes two to tango and don’t exchange partners, not even on a single step.

I lay my sword down and hope that you guys fix this as soon as possible. I know how painful it is for a man to loose the girl that he loved the most. And it's worst when you realize it late in the process!

And this is a very serious demand form me. Take good care of her or else! I mean it. I am not a fighter but I don’t stand down! Don’t be complacent. And for Ellie...always make sure to point the gun and shoot!

Saya Cinta Amu Ellie!

...As the snow passes away, I stood up holding my princess by the hand. I then carry her to a distant land where her prince awaits. I stabbed the prince thee by the shoulder waking him from his deep slumber. Telling him "Be-Prince-Like or the last thing you'll see is the tip of my sword". I slowly lay the princess down his arms, as I bid farewell to the glorious being laying motionless by his hands. I throw away my sword and slowly walk by the window...smiling. Thank you Princess for the "Once Empty Strider" has once again felt life. A sudden gush, but enough to push me through unto my next journey....

Sayonara Ellie-Princess! Always By the Shadows....Always here never gone.
Here's My Song For You!
Do I need A reason-A guy doesnt need anything more than the sight of the woman he cares the most drift along his eyes and make time stop!
Today when I saw you
I knew it was just like the first time
When you met my eyes
I came closeAnd I felt like the first time
To hold back my fear and feel you so near
I've never been this far before
To hold back my fearand feel you so near
I'm scared of falling into deep this time
Do I need a reason to tell you why
I'm singing you this song
Do I need a reason to show you that
I know where I belong
Whenever I am weary
I lean onthis feeling that I have
I am so much stronger now
Thankful, yes I amToday
I'll renounce them,the doubts and the fears
I've been nursing
I'll fly like a moth to the flame
and I'll feel like the first time
To hold back my fearand let you come near
I've never been this far before
To hold back my fearand let you come near
I'm ‘fraid of loosing and still I go
Well Does this mean im stuck with Jerome Again?